Thursday 31 January 2013

CF clinic and Holiday!

Okay so i have a cough still but i have had CF clinic on Wednesday 30th and i had my lung function!
My lung function stayed the same at 86% which is okay as it hasn't gone down, i have also grown a centimeter and i have put weight on!
My doctor listened to my chest as i was coughing and it sounds clear, so he thinks that is just in my throat.
But I am so so so excited because in 2 days (Saturday 2nd February) i am going to Egypt with my two sisters, Kimberley and Danielle, and also with my Niece Isabella!
I can't wait to go as i didn't go on holiday last year so I'm excited to get tanned and go in the pool!
My doctor gave me some antibiotics to take with me just incase my cough doesn't get better but other than that ill be GREAT!

Tuesday 22 January 2013

Not feeling 100% and my cheerleading competition!

So over the past week or so, i have had tonsillitis again!
and my sinus' have been blocked, and getting headaches, but im starting to feel better now, just got a really annoying cough which wont go!
But, over the weekend i had a Cheerleading competition, at Norbreck castle, i was very nervous, as it was my first competition with my new team Rising stars!
I was in 4 different routines, i came 1st in 3 of my routines, and 3rd in one of my routines!
so everyone was happy!
But overall our team got 14 first places, 2 thirds 1 fifth, and 3 grand champions!
It was such a good weekend!

Friday 4 January 2013

Finally finished my IV's & my E.N.T appointment!

Today i finally got my needle out!
so i am needle and IV free until the next three months is over!
And i can now get back to the things i love doing, such as Cheerleading and Dancing!
I also had an appointment with the E.N.T (ear, nose and throat) doctor, she checked my throat and my tonsils, and asked how many times i have had it this year, and she thought that it was time to get them out!
So i was happy that she said this as non of my normal doctors or nurses, thought i should, as i will have to go under general anesthetic, and because of my chest sometimes it cat be a great idea, but because i have no infection and my lung function is pretty good, the operation will be fine!
The operation it's self will take about 20 minutes, and i will be asleep for about an hour at the most!

Thursday 3 January 2013

End of IV'S and E.N.T appointment!

By 'Mr wiggly' ;)
Well, tomorrow is my last day of IV'S and i get my needle out!
So i am really excited!
I also have an appointment at the hospital at E.N.T (ear, nose and throat) as i have had tonsillitis about 8/9 times this year! (well 2012! )
And when i have tonsillitis it stops me from having my nebulisers, as it stings my throat!
So hopefully the doctor will do something about it!

I am also not feeling great today, and i am in bed, but i should be better tomorrow!

Tuesday 1 January 2013

Happy New year!

I'm in the fight to beat Cystic Fibrosis!
I have been fighting this horrible disease since I was born, but I only found out when I was 8 years old!
The past few years have been hard, but I'm proud to say I'm BEATING cystic fibrosis!
For Christmas I wished that we could all have a cure, but it didn't come true!
So I hope that 2013 is OUR year, and I hope that everyone suffering can finally breathe without struggling!♥
I really hope this year CF will stand for Cure Found!

               I have also joined the organ donor register!
It was easy to do and only took a few seconds!
Most people usually say, ' I cant sign up, i am to young' or, say they don't have time, or even say that they can't because they don't want to give their organs away. But when you have lived your life, and your time has come your organ's will still have life left in them, so why don't you join the register?

It could save someones life!