Wednesday 4 June 2014

Annual review..

Today (Wednesday 4th June) I had my annual review, this is a 3 hour appointment where I see my CF consultant, my physiotherapist, dietician, out reach nurse and then I also see the CF doctor from royal Manchester childrens hospital, the dietician, nurse, and physiotherapist also from RMCH.

It went really well to be honest, I have been added on some more Vitamin tablets, as my vitamin D levels are really low, they're supposed to over 50 and mine are only 13, but it's nothing too major and not to worry about it. The appointment was long but they did go through everything with us, they went through all my medication and upped some of the tablets to the higher dosage to keep on top of things.

I had my lung function which was 95% so we are really happy with that, and my height and weight have gone up which is amazing as I haven't been in any weight supplements for 18 months now and I am now in the right centile for my age/height/weight!

There is a few tests coming up for me now, I will be having a ultrasound scan and chest X-Ray which I have yearly anyway but I will also be having a hearing test and a PH study for my acid reflux. I am currently on omeprazole for my reflux but I've been getting it quite bad at the moment so we're seeing if I need to be in any other medication for it. I'm not really looking forward to the PH study as It will include a tube going in my nose, down my throat and into my aosophegus.. I hate things like this, so it should be fun!! NOT! But if it has to be done, it has to be done..

Anyway on the 8th may I had my sinus surgery and they depended up doing a complete different operation in my nose as they decided the holes they were going to make bigger were actually okay! It was actually polyps which were making my sinuses blocked and causing my headaches, they count get all of the polyps out which means I may have to have another sinus operation to get the rest out, but it will be more invasive and more painful!

That's all for now, but it will update on things soon!💕

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