Friday 11 March 2016

Trip to the USA & another sinus surgery..

Long time no speak!
I hope you are all well, and enjoying the first few months of 2016. I have recently been to Atlanta (Georgia USA) to compete in one of the biggest National competitions in the world. I flew out with my team from Manchester, and we stayed in Atlanta for a week. We had training days in the week as well as two very long competition days.

The division we competed in was very tough and we were the only British team to compete in the whole of the competition! We competed in Senior Large Level 3, and there was 10 different teams in our division. Overall we came 4th! We were ecstatic with this result as we didn't expect to place in top 5, especially as we were just against the american teams.

Anyway, on to my health now.. To be honest I've been reasonably well the past few months considering I was quite bad over christmas time. Don't get me wrong I've still had a ridiculous amount of oral antibiotics to try and fight away the on going chest infections and just the general feeling of 'crappy-ness' but other than that I feel great! I haven't had any other lung function tests since last time as that will be due in my next CF clinic which i think is next month.

I am just recovering from another sinus surgery which I had on the 26th February. My surgeon basically cut out some bone from my sinuses and removed lots of polyps. This should eventually cut down my headaches and nose bleeds, however,  I can't really tell if it's worked yet as my nose still get quite blocked up at the moment due to it bleeding.

This week I also had a visit to The Royal Manchester Children's Hospital (RMCH) to have a CF & Diabetes clinic. It was my first proper clinic here other than my Liver clinic, but overall it went well. It was more of a Diabetes clinic though as I couldn't do my Lung function (PFTS) due to it not being my normal hospital. The nurse I met was so lovely, and she just made sure that all of my blood sugars were in the right 'range' of where they needed to be and that my Insulin is the right amount of units for me and doing the right job, which it is!

Thats all for now, but I'll be sure to update again soon,

Thanks for reading
Speak soon,
Emily xo