Wednesday 31 July 2013

IVs and CF clinic.


I am just over half way through my 2 week course of IVs, it has already made me feel A LOT better, I have lots more energy, and want to be able to do things.
The only thing I don't like about it is I can't join in properly at Cheerleading or go out with my friends much as my Ivs are every 8 hours, 8 in the morning, 4 in the afternoon and then midnight.

CF clinic.

So today, Wednesday 31st July, I went to Cystic fibrosis clinic, everything went well, I put weight on, I grew a little, and my lung function stayed the same, I will have another lung function in just less than a weeks time (onTuesday) to check my lung function after my Ivs, so I'm hoping it will go up and won't be in the 80's. My normal lung function is usually between 90%-97% so it's usually pretty good!

Social networking sites.

Also if you have a Facebook page please follow my journey at 'Emily's journey with Cystic Fibrosis'
Or if you have Instagram please follow me there on @emilyrscheer or @cf_fighter_

Thankyou x

Monday 15 July 2013


Sorry I haven't posted in AGES!

So I have had a rough couple of weeks, I'm due my IVs so I have been on 2 courses of antibiotics as I've not been too well, but I can't have my IVs yet as I have a cheerleading competition on Saturday so I'm excited! I go into hospital the Tuesday after the competition for my IVs.

The past few days have been extremely heart breaking for me, one of my best friends, Lizzie, my twinnie gained her angel wings and went up to heaven to join Lucy.
I was heart broken, I couldn't believe it, I didn't want to. I now know that Lizzie is out of pain and that she is looking out for me and all of her family and friends.
I know Lizzie was a big inspiration to many people, including me.
When we first met something clicked and we both knew that we would be friends FOREVER!
Rest In Paradise beautiful, I love you so much, and I always will do!<3