My bucket List. xo

Some things i want to do before i die.

Swim with Dolphins.   ( Done, May 2010)

 Fly in a hot air balloon. ( Done May 2010)

 Go to Paris. (Done 19th December 2014)

 Travel to different states around America.

 Get a CF tattoo. (Done - 08/09/2015)

 Compete at the Cheerleading Worlds.

 Own a Macbook Pro (Done - 08/01/2016)

 See Justin Bieber in Concert.  (Done - 20/08/16 & 23/10/16)

 Go sky diving.

 Go travelling round the world / or Europe.

 Visit Amsterdam.

 Meet Pointlessblog and Zoella. (Alfie and Zoe)

Get 10,000 followers on Instagram.  (Done 8/11/2014)

Complete a marathon, whether I'm running or walking.

Go to NYC and See the statue of liberty.

Have afternoon tea somewhere nice.  (Done - 23/10/16)

Get at least 3 celebrity's to wear a CF band and take a photo. (1/3)


  1. Im sure there will be a cure before you even get to do this <3 love you emily

  2. im sure you will get to compete at the cheerleading worlds

  3. Emily you are in my prayers daily. I found your blog as I was looking up copd. My husband is in the final stage and is on oxygen 24/7 and multiple inhalers. I was surprised at the similar things that you both have to do. I pray that you will be doing better in 2016. We never met but I feel as if I know you! I will keep checking your blog for updates and continue prayers for you and your family. God Bless you Mary Ann

  4. Could you start one of those fund me pages, and ask for donations to do some of these things, people do it for pointless things all of the time and I bet travelling around Europe for example or going to Africa would mean a lot of risks with regards to your health, and I'm guessing that would cost money, but if you could raise enough you could do a good amount of theses things. Now I know some say "yeah but it's taking people's money" but you have a life threatening disease and some of these things you may never be able to do, and I know with the strong support of your followers on Instagram (only reason I found your blog) you could quite easily raise enough to do a few things from this list and know you've done them, whether that's things that would cost way to much or just things that you don't feel like you could do, bucket lists are lists of dreams and well I'd want nothing more but for your wishes to come true❤️
