Tuesday 8 April 2014


I have been keeping pretty well at the moment, I've just had a persistent cough which i have been put on another dose of oral antibiotics, which to be honest is making it better already - and I've only been on them a few days!
We have also just recently found out that i am very anemic so i have been put on a lot of iron tablets, i had blood tests done back in February just before i got admitted into hospital to start my IVS, and the results just got back a few weeks ago and my blood counts were very low - which explains why i kept going dizzy, feeling weak, feeling sick and looking very pale. I've been taking the iron for about 2 weeks now and i feel a lot better but not 100% yet, but I'm sure in the next week or two I'll be 110%!
I have my next E.N.T appointment on Thursday (10th April) and I'm hoping that the doctor will actually do something about my sinuses and headaches this time and not just keep prescribing me more nose spray which I've had twice already and it hasn't worked on both occasions. A few years back i had a sinus wash out, it is an operation which basically cleans my sinuses! When i had it last it made a whole lot of difference and the consultant did say i may need it again when I'm around 15/16 years old.

I will do another update about how the appointment goes and what is going to happen.

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